Joseph Zickmund Dept. Commander2024 - 2025
Department Commander Joseph Zickmund January Message Happy New Year! It is my fervent prayer that each and every one of you enjoy an abundance of faith, good health and purpose in 2025. Recently, the Department of Vermont hosted the Mid-Winter Conference in Colchester. Attendance was good but so many of you missed a real opportunity to learn what’s going on at the Department and to experience the camaraderie that comes with socializing with other veteran and veteran-minded people.
We had the honor of hosting our National Vice Commander Chuck Robbins of New Jersey. I truly enjoyed the time I was able to spend with him, an easygoing and kind man with a strong belief in the programs and mission of The American Legion. From the banquet on Friday to the end of the conference early Saturday afternoon, many people did a great job of planning, preparing and presenting. To all involved, my thanks and gratitude for your hard work and dedication.
Our next Department sponsored convention is in June. It is our annual meeting where new officers are elected; many awards are presented and the information outlining our current year as well as planning for the next are discussed. It is a wonderful opportunity for every Vermont Legionnaire to learn more about who we are and what we do. I hope to see many of you in attendance.
A word on BE THE ONE: We have a dedicated team that can travel to your post meetings to share resources and to offer instruction on how each of us can BE THE ONE to assist a veteran in need. Veteran suicide is an unacceptable and all too frequent tragedy and it is within our power, and responsibility, to do all we can to reduce and eliminate it. I encourage you to contact Department HQ to invite a team to visit your post during a meeting or special event. There is no cost and if their visit can help one person, it is time very well spent. I am grateful for your support, your kindness, and your willingness to make a difference.
Warm regards,
Joe Zickmund Commander, Dept. of VT